You don't need a big wardrobe

Both A small wardrobe and Bea Johnson prove that you don't need a lot of clothes to make a variety of outfits. A small wardrobe made 25 outfits out of 10 items, Bea Johnson made 50 outfits out of 25 items.

I can't seem to get into my skull that quantity does not equal abundance. Yet I won't throw out all my clothes to achieve a minimal wardrobe, because the most sustainable thing you can do when it comes to clothing is to wear what you already have, not declutter items you can wear in the future.

The way I use the inspiration of how little one needs, is by compartmentalizing my wardrobe for a period of time and keep a big part of my wardrobe "on the bench". Specifically hidden out of sight in a box at the top of my wardrobe, while some pieces get worn and combined 'til tedium sets in. Which I guess is kind of a fluid capsule wardrobe?


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